Can AI really bring the movie DYSTOPIAN WORLD?


 Today, we are  going to talk about the future of humans and the dystopian threat AI could pose to us.

As we all know that AI advancement in today's world is so fast that we need to check for the threats that AI could pose to us. Because today's modern AI is so much advance and advancement is taking place so fast that its not far that AI could surpass humans.

As seen in movies like Terminator and Avengers: Age of ultron if powerful robots get out of control and try to destroy humanity it will be a threat to whole human civilization. Humans will become tiny in front of large calculation capacity of powerful robots and that is not good for us.

Humans are today the controller of AI but who knows if tomorrow is a vice versa?

So, we need to be ready for any threat that AI could pose to us and also develop it in a way that if it gets out of control then also we can control it without much damage and overall protecting the human race and as a whole the living race from extinction.

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